Tuesday 7 April 2009

Part One

No, it's not a play on words. I hate my wife. Though as She ensures she is as big a part of my life as possible, I suppose I hate my life too.

I'll not address her looks and I have nothing against my son or daughter.

I'll start with today, just one thing to kick it off.

I work 9-5 for the technology side of a logistics company. I quality control mobile phones, getting paid 6 thousand pounds per annum less than someone else doing my job. Half hour for lunch, two fifteen minute breaks. I drive, so in all I have almost two hours of time alone - all spent doing something. When I got home and put tea in the oven (this was today, but also pretty standard) I found my 2-year old daughter was asleep. Twenty minutes previous, I asked Wife on the phone, to ensure Daughter didn't fall asleep, which I was told "She won't." I knew this meant Daughter would stay awake until after 10pm.
Almost 7pm, Daughter wakes. 7.30 I put Son to bed. 8.50 I get to stop watching Hannah Montana and put Daughter to bed. 9.30 Wife goes to sleep. I get half an hour of relaxation before having to sleep to get up at 6am?! If I'm not looking after the kids, I'm working or entertaining Wife.

If Wife gets bored, I have to stop whatever I'm doing and do something to entertain her. Watch tv with her, play a game so she can watch and nap, look at failblog.org... I interupt reading comics, writing, playing Flash games, watching cartoons/movies/anime - just because she wants to stop playing Second Life for the first time in 9 hours that day.

She has around 10 Second Life accounts. Not including the 20 or so she's deleted. She plays it from 8.30am until 5.30pm. Some days she 'Can't be bothered' to take Son to school, so just sits in bed "looking after the kids" and playing Second Life. When confronted about housework, taking Son to school or helping dress either kid just once, I get "You try having a bad back and being in agony all the time!". Two doctors have told her that her back hurts a lot simply because of her weight. The same weight that:
Stops her from crouching.
Stops her getting out of the bath without holding the sink.
Makes her take up an entire side of a double mattress that fits myself and either child.
Ridded said mattress of its firmness.
Stops her kneeling.

Do come back next post. There's more. I've not touched upon her speaking, yet.

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